In June 2000, Suzanna Chang was diagnosed with pancreatic tumor. All of her doctors said that she needed surgery as soon as possible and that she not wait a moment longer. She felt that her life was over. The news was devastating to her. She was so afraid of dying and never seeing her husband and two small children again. She told herself that Master Shen Wu is the only hope. She came to see Master Wu in July 2000 and after two months treatments (without any other kinds of therapy), the CT scan and all the tests had shown that her tumor had dissolved. Her recovery has been truly amazing and she has felt that she has been given a second life. Currently, she is still undergoing treatments and staying in the Orlando area, so that she can be near Master Wu¡¦s clinic. The Qi Gong exercises, along with listening to the music of Master Wu¡¦s CDs have become a daily ritual for her. She is eternally grateful for all of his healing abilities. Without ever having found him, Suzanna Chang feels she would not be alive today. |
Reports before the treatment: |
Reports after treatment: |
Telephone: 407-438-2510
Mailing address: P.O. Box 25952 Honolulu, HI 96825