A success story of a Malignant Melanoma patient
by a Neurologist
am a 56-year-old neurologist who has been in excellent health.
Several months ago I had a mole removed from my left arm. The
pathology report indicated that it was a malignant melanoma. This is
known to be a very aggressive cancer which metastasizes early both
locally and sy
I knew that I had a
very stressful job and was working too hard, chronically
sleep-deprived, and frustrated and unhappy. And I knew this was
negatively affecting my immune system. When I originally learned the
mole was a melanoma, it was naturally very unpleasant news. But,
ironically, I was really too busy to think about it very much.
However within two
months a small nodule appeared above the area where the mole had
been removed. Because the dermatologist did not feel this was at
all likely to be cancerous, he only did a tiny punch biopsy, and
made no attempt to cut out the entire process. Unfortunately, this
biopsy showed malignant melanoma also. The dermatologist, two
medical oncologists, and two surgical oncologists all expressed
surprise that such a thin melanoma would be associated with a
metastasis so soon. But, despite being in shock at the realization
that I now had a life-threatening illness, I cannot say that I
shared these doctors¡¦ surprise. I had known for many months with the
utmost certainty that this job stress would destroy my health if I
did not take action soon. My only surprise was how rapidly my
prediction had come true.
The advice of the
surgical and medical oncologists was to remove all the lymph nodes
from my armpit as well as to remove large pieces of tissue from
around the primary site and around the area where the cancerous
lymph node had been removed.
I had had a strong
interest in the mind-body connection for many years. The official
branch of science which formally studies this mind-body connection
is called Psychoneuroimmunology. The term refers to the relationship
between the mind (psyche) and the immune system via the
intermediary of the brain (neuro). A great deal of detail is now
known about the exact mechanisms by which chronic stress, anger, and
depression weaken the immune system. Conversely, forward thinking
physicians like Deepak Chopra have written excellent books about
ways that we can also positively influence the immune system with
our minds. While the details of how thoughts influence emotions and
then the immune system are being discovered, there remains this
conceptual problem: how does a thought, which would certainly seem
to be primarily energy rather than matter, become transformed into
the matter of immune molecules of lymphocytes, antibodies, natural
killer cells, and so forth? In other words, how can pure energy
become transformed into pure matter? The answer is that we do not
know how this occurs but the fact that it does occur has been
clearly explained by Einstein¡¦s theory of relativity, in which E=MC
squared (Energy=Matter multiplied by the speed of light squared).
The discipline which studies this relationship between matter and
energy is called Quantum Physics and a great deal has been written
about this energy conversion to matter.
Because of the poor
prognosis using solely conventional therapies, I determined that I
would explore multiple other avenues. My wife had read an article in
the paper about a local Qi Gong practitioner named Master Shen Wu
who has developed a system called Music Qi Gong.
I had been interested
in Qi Gong (or Chi Gong) for a long time since discovering a book
called Encounters with Chi, by David Eisenberg M.D. I knew that this
ancient system of exercises had been used by the Chinese for
thousands of years to optimize their intrinsic energy levels and
health. Via specific exercises designed to influence the energy
field of the body, the physical body itself is affected. I had also
heard that Chi Gong masters (expert practitioners of these energy
exercises) could project this energy onto external objects,
including other human beings. This energy has been used as a healing
modality in China for thousands of years. It seems to be less well
known than acupuncture, though both modalities are based on
manipulation of the flow of chi through the energy channels, or
meridians, of the body. Master Wu himself has demonstrated his
ability to retard the growth of cancer both in the laboratory under
controlled conditions and in patients who have cancer. One mechanism
by which this occurs appears to be through the increased production
of Natural Killer Cells. Therefore, in Qi Gong, we have another
example of how pure energy which which has no form or substance can
be transformed into matter.
As a neurologist, I
wondered if there were specific regions in the nervous system that
were activated by these exercises and treatments to result in
improved immune function. I also knew that sound has a profound
influence on the nervous system. Music has been called the universal
language. I like the old expression "music has charms to sooth the
savage beast". In traditional Chinese medicine as well as in the
Ayurvedic tradition of India, specific tones have long been regarded
as having healing properties. So naturally I was very interested to
meet someone who combines chi gong with music to treat cancer and
other types of medical illnesses.
When I learned about
the metastasis, I was initially in shock. It was difficult to think
clearly. I was told that with the best available therapy I had a 50
percent chance of living another five years. I was very scared and
depressed. I knew that the available medical treatments were toxic
and not very effective. I was also convinced that the chronic
stress and frustration of my job had greatly weakened my immune
system. I was confident that if I had been relaxed, rested, and
happy, the metastasis would never have happened.
I felt that what I
needed most was something that would restore a sense of control over
my life. I wanted to have something specific that I could do that
would mobilize my intrinsic healing abilities. When I met Master Wu
I was impressed that he was very sincere and enthusiastic about the
ability of his therapy to help cancer patients. I saw videotaped
testimony by other physicians who treat cancer and the patients with
cancer who had benefited from his therapy. Master Wu emphasized the
importance of positive thinking and confidence in my ability to
overcome this obstacle.
I was determined to
use both conventional therapy including surgery and chemotherapy as
well as alternative medical approaches such as Qi Gong. Master Wu
told me that he strongly recommended against surgery and
chemotherapy because they would weaken the immune system. I knew he
was right about that but I was afraid to turn my back on these
conventional therapies when faced with a deadly illness. Therefore
it was difficult for me to relax during the first treatment session
as I pondered the possible consequences of abandonment of mainstream
therapies. However, by the second session, I felt more comfortable
and became very relaxed as I listened to his wonderful music.
During some of the subsequent sessions, I could feel electric shock
sensations or brief tingling or itching in various areas. The night
after the second session, I was awakened by a sudden brief buzzing
sound which I had never experienced before. Sometimes, during the
treatments, I could hear the ¡§anahata nada¡¨ which I hear during
meditation. Gradually as I began to do the exercises he prescribed,
I felt more relaxed and confident that I was doing the right thing
to build up my strength to fight this disease. Despite my anxiety,
I began to sleep better.
However, I gradually
developed soreness in my left armpit and chest and began to fear
that this meant the cancer was spreading to the lymph nodes in that
area. Therefore, despite Master Wu's advice to avoid surgery I went
ahead and scheduled the surgery that I had been advised to have.
This was done after several weeks of Master Wu's therapy. The biopsy
results showed that there was no residual cancer whatsoever in the
lymph nodes or tissues of my arm. In retrospect, I firmly believe
that this soreness I was feeling was the result of Master Wu¡¦s
stimulation of my lymph nodes to fight the cancer.
Another interesting
observation was the fact that I developed a sinus infection after
surgery. I had had this for seven days and mentioned it to Master
Wu. He worked specifically on this infection during one session and
immediately after that the infection was completely gone without the
use of antibiotics.
So it turns out that
Master Wu was right- I did not need the surgery. However, the
positive effect of having my surgery is that I am now confident of
the effectiveness of this treatment program. I have proof that there
is no further cancer in the arm. I believe that the absence of any
residual cancer found at the time of surgery was directly related to
Master Wu's treatments. Master Wu has spent a great deal of time with me explaining the philosophy behind traditional Chinese medicine and Qi Gong, and the relationship between the energy body and the physical body. He has given me frequent words of encouragement and reminders to avoid worry and negative thoughts. As a result of all of this, and his treatments and my exercises, I now feel confident that my chances for long-term survival of this disease exceed 95 percent. This confidence is one of the most important ingredients for continued success, as it is one of the most powerful methods for my mind to stimulate my immune system. When I first went to see him, I was depressed and quite tired and discouraged. I am eternally grateful to him for the fact that my energy is now much higher and I feel strong and optimistic about the future. |
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Telephone: 407-438-2510
E-mail: musicqigong@yahoo.com
Mailing address: P.O. Box 25952 Honolulu, HI 96825