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CBS NEWS (PhD. Rosanne Harrigan, School of Medicine University of Hawaii)

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Medicine has always been a part of human existence. All cultures have their healers and doctors. All peoples have searched for and found treatments and solutions for their illnesses. The desire for health and to be healthier has always been a goal for people. The definition of health is always changing and evolving. Health may be the absence of disease. Health might be a state of balance of being in harmony with nature. It may be exploring the physical limits of human beings. The practices and treatments of doctors and healers may be different, but the goal remains the same, to improve the health and well being of the patient. With this common goal in mind, we would like to introduce Music Qi Gong. Music Qi Gong was founded by Master Shen Wu, Master Wu has drawn on the knowledge and wisdom of 8000 years of Chinese culture and medicine. Many cultures have lived, thrived and been lost over time. The discoveries and wisdom of many civilizations has been lost, leaving only its mysteries. Currently western cultures have made technological advances unlike any other culture we know of. These technological advances occurred because millions of people devoted time, energy and effort to the advancement of technology, anytime people devote time, energy and effort to some thing advances occur. The ancient Greeks devoted time, energy and effort to philosophy, philosophical ideas that hold up today, Chinese culture has devoted time, energy and effort to both tangible forms of medicine such as acupuncture and massage and to intangible medicine such as music, and Qigong. Over thousands of years millions of people have practiced advanced Chinese medicine. The intangible forms of Chinese medicine was originally only available to Chinese royalty. Master Wu wishes to bring this practice to all people and to take this to a new level. Music Qi Gong does not involve any religion or belief system. It uses basic principles of nature as understood by the ancient Chinese, modern science and medicine can now explore Music Qi Gong western culture does not have a word on a concept for ¡§Qi¡¨, there is no way to scientifically measure Qi or to even prove that ¡§Qi¡¨ exists at this time.

Modern astronomy and physics often has encountered situation of a phenomena where the effect can be seen but not the cause, using modern technology, such as MRI, CT scans, blood tests and other tests equipment are being used to study the effect of Music Qi Gong.

This website briefly introduces you to Master Wu, Music Qi Gong, some of the research and patients in the US. Master Wu brings Music Qi Gong in hopes of contribution to the health, well being, peace and harmony of all people


1, Who is Master Shen Wu 2, Weight Loss with music 3,  Basics of Music Qi Gong

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